WeForest: Luanshya, ZambiaBackgroundWeForest works with local farmers in the Luanshya distric of the Zambian Copperbelt to provide training and tools that will help with the diversification of income while they plant and protect local forests. Goals & ApproachThe goals of the project is to restore native Miombo woodlots on smallhold farms, promote sustainable use of Miombo woodland and sustainable forest management, promote economic development, and build livelihood resilience. This is achieve through working closely with hundreds of farmers and promoting assisted natural regeneration (ANR) as a restoration approach. Open access copy available |
Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project - Phase IBackgroundIn 2016, the Eastern Province of Rwanda was dramatically hit by a drought, which brough additional burdens to already existing systematic challenges that farmers in the region faced. More thatn 45,000 individuals became food insecure in the region, forcing the government to provide food and water. To mitigate future water-related calamities, the government proposes the Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project (KIIWMP). Open access copy available |
Tea Landscapes Adaptation ProjectBackgroundIn Malawi, tea plays a critical role in livelihoods yet climate change is increasingly challenging the longterm viability of the crop, which are then compounded by deforestation and soil erosion. Open access copy available |
A Landscape Management Model for Conserving Biodiversity in the Comoros IslandsBackgroundThe Comoros Islands have experienced one of the worst rates of deforestation in the world, which has threatened the livelihoods of both communities and the existence of critical flora and fauna. This is particularly common on Anjuan Island due to the regions the high population density. This GEF-Satoyama Project seeks to address these trends. Open access copy available |
Carbon Neutral: Uchindile Mapanda, TanzaniaBackgroundAs part of BP's Target Neutral program, this project is addressing grasslands that have been classified as degraded by establishing commercial forests at Uchindile and Mapanda districts in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands. Open access copy available |
Carbon Footprint: Great Rift Valley, KenyaBACKGROUNDThis project takes place in the Kikuyu Escarpment, Western Kenya. The Kikuyu escarpment forest has a high biodiversity and the services the ecosystem provides, particular water, is a key source for neighboring communities' livelihoods. Environmental degradation through charcoal burning, logging for timber and fuel wood, ring-debarking for medicinal trees and overgrazing are negatively affecting these services and depleting the area of important vegetation cover. Open access copy available |
Restoring Ecological FunctionsbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Quantitative Assessment of People-Oriented Forestry in Bangladesh: A Case Study in the Tangail Forest DivisionbackgroundThis research evaluates the profitability of three different types of plantation - strip, agroforestry, and woodlot - grown via a people-oriented forestry program in Bangladesh. Research Goals & MethodsThis research is based on case study analysis and utilizes participant interviews, focus group discussions, and analyzing annual costs from the Tangail Divisional Forest office. From this data, the researchers were able to describe net present values and benfit-cost ratios. Open access copy available |
Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1907-1913backgroundThis report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species. conclusion & takeawaysThis report provides the rare opportunity to look at the history of forestry and ecological activities in the tropics. These activities and projects can now be analyzed in the full context of the past 100 years, wherein the arcs of their success, failure, and learnings can be more fully understood.
Open access copy available |
Environmental Drivers in Mangrove Establishment and Early Development: A reviewbackgroundThis study reviews literature on the environmental conditions that influence the establishment and early growth of mangroves. Research Goals & MethodsDifferent species grow in areas with different flooding regimes. The authors used the classification of "inundation by all high tides, inundation by medium high tides, inundation by normal high tides, inundation by spring tides, and occasional inundation by exceptional or equinoctial tides." Available with subscription or purchase |