Land Use Practices

Evidence of Incipient Forest Transition in Southern Mexico


This study uses satelite images (Landsat) to analyze land cover change in southern Mexico from 1990 to 2006.

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Successional Change and Resilience of a Very Dry Tropical Deciduous Forest Following Shifting Agriculture


Given substaintial conversion of very dry tropical deciduous forests in Mexico to agricultural and other land uses, this study examines forest succession over time in such ecosystems. The study was conducted near Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico with 26°C average temperatures and 900 mm average rainfall.

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The Socio-Economic Effects of Ghana's Government Afforestation Project on Beneficiary Farmers in the Dormaa District of the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana


Forests play a central role in Ghana's global economy and local livelihoods, yet degradation and overharvesting continue to be an issue. In response, the Ghana government implemented an afforstation program in 2001 to restock forests and help alleviate poverty. 

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Modelos espaciales aplicados al manejo de los recursos naturales: una propuesta en la sub-cuenca del Río Pilón, Nuevo León, México (Spacial modeling applied to natural resources management)

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Evaluación preliminar de la sustentabilidad de una propuesta agroecologica, en el subtrópico del altiplano central de México (Preliminary assessment of the sustainability of an agroecological proposal in the the central highlands of Mexico)

Frente al creciente interés del uso de enfoques sistémicos para la evaluación de sustentabilidad como herramienta de toma de decisions, los autores realizaron la evaluación de una finca universitaria ubicada en el subtrópico del Altiplano Central de México.

En la primera fase del estudio (2004) se realizaron la caracterización, el diagnóstico y la evaluación inicial.

Se identificaron y priorizaron los principales problemas, para los cuales se derivaron propuestas de solución bajo un enfoque agroecológico.

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Vinculación entre el sustento de los agricultores, los árboles y el proceso de agua y suelos en las buenas prácticas de gestión de áreas de captación (Linking farmers livelihoods, trees and soils in water catchments management practices)

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Tree regeneration in church forests of Ethiopia: effects of microsites and management


Tree regeneration is severely hampered in the fragmented afromontane forests of northern Ethiopia. Pressures of harvesting and grazing and climactic conditions present challenges to regeneration. This study explores how trees regenerate in remnant forests along the gradient from open field, forest edge to closed sites and canopy gaps inside the forest.

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Manejo tradicional de humedales tropicales y su análisis mediante sistemas de información geográfica: el caso de la comunidad Maya-Chontal de Quintín Arauz, Centla, Tabasco

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Explaining Success on the Commons: Community Forest Governance in the Indian Himalaya


This study describes how a range of causal influences shape forest conditions in diverse ecological and institutional settings in the Indian Himalaya.

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Tree density, basal area and species diversity in a disturbed dry tropicalforest of northern India: implications for conservation


Dry tropical forest communities are among the world’s most threatened systems. Rapid measures are required to protect and restore them in degraded landscapes. For planning conservation strategies, there is a need to determine the essential measurable properties, such as number of species and basal area, that best describe the dry forest vegetation and its environment, and to document quantitative relationships among them.

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