Land Use Practices

The Savannization of Moist Forests in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia


This study in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta seeks to determine if savannas are natural or caused by anthropogenic factors. The authors use climate data from the past and present, the location of vegetation, and land use history to test their hypothesis.

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Understanding Forest-Water Connections in India


The community in East Khasi Hills region of Indian expressed concern about water scarcity. In response, WeForest, the FAO's Forest and Water Programme, held a 5-day workshop in 2017 with the Ka Synjuk Ki Hima Arliang Wah Umiam Mawphlang Welfare Society. The workshop was designed to increase local capacity and decision-making of natural resource management in regards to the East Khasi Hills Forest Restoration Project. Fifteen to eighteen individuals attended the workshop who represented various leadership teams on the project.

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Farmer Strategies for Dealing with Climatic Variability: A Case Study from the Mixteca Alta Region of Oaxaca, Mexico


Climate change is likely to disproportionally effect tropical regions. Yet effective adaptation requires an understanding of climate variability at specific locations and most data is regional. This is particularly true for small-scale farmers, who are highly vulnerable. This paper calls for a bridging of scientific and traditional knowledge in order to construct this location-specific understanding. This article discusses participatory research in the mixteca alta region of oaxaca, mexico that facilitated a process whereby farmers evaluated the ability of their agroecosystems to withstand the vagaries of climate.

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Community Action for Biodiversity and Forest Conservation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Wild Coffee Forests (CAFA)


Located in southwest Ethiopia, the Kafa Biosphere Reserve is an important area for water quality, carbon storage, and a range of endangered and endemic species. Moreover, around 65,000 people live in the reserve, most of whom depend on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods. Coffee also grows wild in the region, which locals often harvest for sale. Still, poverty and population growth is common within these communities, causing increasing strain on natural resources. To address these needs, Nabu began a community action project.

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Fallow to Forest: Applying Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge of Swidden Cultivation to Tropical Forest Restoration


This study analyzed vegetation at two sites of shifting cultivation by Lawa and Karen indigenous people in the Mae Chaem watershed in 1-year, 3-year and 6-year fallow fields, with an area of natural forest as a control comparison.

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Ecological Implications of Harvesting Non-Timber Forest Products


This article examines 70 case studies on the ecological effects of harvesting plant-species NTFPs in an attempt to draw broader conclusions for both forest resource management and future research.

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The Use of Ants and Other Soil and Litter Arthropods as Bio-Indicators of the Impacts of Rainforest Clearing and Subsequent Land Use


This study evaluates the impacts of rainforest clearing on soil and litter arthropods with a particular focus on ant species.

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Human Hydrographical Changes Interact with Propagule Predation Behaviour in Sri Lankan Mangrove Forests


This article describes the relation between propagule predators and vegetation structure and environmental factors on a forest path. It also considers how human influence affects these interactions.

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Smallholder perceptions of agroforestry projects in Panama


Panama’s history of shifting slash-and-burn cultivation methods has resulted in rapid deforestation and declines in land fertility in the latter 20th C with an increased population and increased resource extraction pressures. Agroforestry has been promoted in Central America, initially for fuelwood and then for more diverse usages and supplemental income for smallholders.

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Rehabilitación de areas degradadas en la Amazonia peruana: Revisión de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas (Rehabilitation of degraded areas in the Peruvian Amazon: Revision of experiences and lessons learned)



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