Land Use Practices

A Tri-Partite Framework of Forest Dynamics: Hierarchy, Panarchy, and Heterarchy in the Study of Secondary Growth


As tropical forests continue to experience high levels of land use and land cover change (LULCC) as well as returning secondary growth, the literature is expanding to provide theoretical explanations for these processes. This report presents a three-part framework of forest dynamics that integrates multiple theoretical explanations for LULCC and secondary growth.

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The Fate of the Tropical Forest: Carbon or Cattle?


The Clean Development Mechanism, established by the Kyoto Protocol, includes small-scale afforestation and reforestation projects as a means for participating developed countries to receive credit for emission redcutions.

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Integration of Hyperion Satellite Data and A Household Social Survey to Characterize the Causes and Consequences of Reforestation Patterns in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon


This paper describes reforestation in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon (NEA) using 2002 remotely sensed Hyperion images and 2001 Ikonos images.

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The Reforestation Value Chain for the Philippines


This paper describes the reasons for the failure of reforestation projects in the Philippines and the potential actions to improve success. When reforestation is focused narrowly on tree plantings, they can last for a few years (mostly 3) but then are easily cut by farmers who want to resume farming, by people in need of wood, or by people feeling that the reforestation was unjust. Most reforestation projects do not have plans beyond tree establishment.

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Afforestation and Forestry Land Allocation in Northern Vietnam: Analysing the Gap Between Policy Intentions and Outcomes


This study looks at the policy factors surrounding the government's allocation of farmland for afforestation in northern Vietnam. This study takes place in the context of other large-scale afforestation projects conducted by governments in tropical countries, where land rights and livelihoods of local farmers can be at risk.

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A Re-emerging Atlantic Forest? Urbanization, Industrialization and the Forest Transition in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil


The Atlantic Forest region of southern Brazil has experienced rapid urbanization and industrialization in the second half of the 20th century. Trends in other regions of the world might suggest this would lead to increased forest cover in rural areas, however a developing country such as Brazil may present a different scenario.

research & methods

This research presents an analysis of forest cover change in the Atlantic forest of Santa Catarina, Brazil between 1975 and 1995/1996.

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Combinations of trees and crops in the taungya method as applied in Thailand


In this article, the authors desribe the 'taungya' methods used in Thailand for reforestation and agroforestry in the 1980s. This method was primarily used under theForest Village Programme, during which landless people were given 1.6 ha of land to reforest and raise their crops.

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Tree Management in the Northwestern Andean Cordillera of Peru


Peasant communities in the northwestern Andean Cordillera of Peru utilize many indigenous and introduced trees and shrubs to satisfy a variety of material needs. However, forest resources are over-harvested and over-grazed, contributing to soil erosion. This study aims to identify the major tree and shrub species in the region and understand their ecologies and usages, and to recommend priorities for reforestation in the region taking human usage into account.

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Reforestation and Regrowth in the Human Dominated Landscapes of South Asia


This study evaluates the drivers of reforestation and regrowth in South Asia using case studies and a meta-analysis of 24 papers.

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An Evaluation of Farmers' Experiences Planting Native Trees in Rural Panama: Implications for Reforestation with Native Species in Agricultural Landscapes


The Panamanian government has created reforestation incentive programs to encourage farmers to plant trees in order to restore ecosystem services to degraded lands. However, many farmers and landowners choose not to participate in these programs. Additionally, many such incentive programs result in large plantations of non-native species. In 2001, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute created a native species reforestation project known as PRORENA (Proyecto de Reforestación con Especias Nativas) to study strategies for successful native species reforestation in a social, economic, and scientific context.

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