Natural Regeneration

Mining in the Amazon: Importance, impacts, and challenges to restore degraded ecosystems. Are we on the right way?


With mining playing a significant role in the economies of Amazonian countries, there is a growing urgency to understand, mitigate, and restore the degraded ecosystems that result from these mining operations. These tasks present a complex set of challenges, including technological limitations, legal inconsistencies, and a shortage of qualified professionals.

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Primates Can Be a Rallying Symbol to Promote Tropical Forest Restoration


In the face of increasing threats such as deforestation, habitat loss, and climate change, the authors aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the potential of primates as a rallying symbol for promoting tropical forest restoration, taking into account the interactions between primates, their habitats, and human communities.


The authors aim to:

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Fire and tree species diversity in tropical peat swamp forests


Indonesia houses a large quantity of peat swamps, an ecosystem type that contains diverse plant species, and provides a habitat for endangered animals. Peat swamps are degraded due to logging and agriculture expansion, specifically with the use of fire. Peat swamps are highly susceptible to fires due to peat flammability. Peat swamps also house a large quantity of carbon, so restoration is a high priority.

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Old timber plantations and secondary forests attain levels of plant diversity and structure similar to primary forests in the West African humid tropics


There is a high rate of biodiversity loss and deforestation in tropical ecosystems. In order to maintain global biodiversity, it is necessary to conserve plant diversity in alternative forest landscapes such as secondary forests and plantations. Comparing conservation values and tradeoffs of different forest landscapes is important for sustainable forest management and conservation practices.

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Linking disturbance history to current forest structure to assess the impact of disturbances in tropical dry forests


Tropical dry forests are given less attention in studies compared to tropical humid forests, but they still experience high levels of disturbance, both natural and human-made. These disturbances heavily alter the characteristics of valuable remaining forest structures. There are gaps in knowledge about how the timing and type of disturbance affects forest structure in seasonally dry tropical forests.

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Legacy effects of canopy gaps on liana abundance 25 years later in a seasonal tropical evergreen forest in northeastern Thailand


Lianas or woody vine species are abundant in tropical forests. They depend on trees for stability to grow and climb to the canopy. While lianas depend on trees for growth, they also require canopy gaps at early growing stages to satisfy their high demand for sunlight. At times, lianas occupy new treefall gaps densely enough to prevent tree regeneration. Tree host ability may influence the abundance of lianas in Southeast Asian seasonally dry tropical forests.

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Módulo 2: Selección y establecimiento de estrategias y prácticas de restauración



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Floristic composition, structure and natural regeneration in a moist semideciduous forest following anthropogenic disturbances and plant invasion


This research examined the floristic composition, struture and natural regeneration in three different forests: undisturbed (UF), disturbed-invaded (DIF) and disturbed (DF) within a forest reserve in Ghana.

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Screening of native plant species for phytoremediation potential at a Hg-contaminated mining site


This study was conducted in one of the most important Artisanal and small-scale (ASGM) gold-mining sites in Colombia, to identify native plant species growing in Mercury contaminated soils used for agricultural purposes, and to assess their potential as phytoremediation systems.

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Sprouting, succession and tree species diversity in a South African coastal dune forest


This study examines the role of sprouting in the maintenance of plant diversity where prevailing disturbance frequency and severity allows, specifically, in the coastal dune forest of Kwazulu-Natal. 

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