What Drives the Success of Reforestation Projects in Tropical Developing Countries? The Case of the PhilippinesBackgroundThis study evaluates the drivers and indicators related to reforestation success in the Philippines. The study included surveying 43 reforestation projects on Leyte. Research Goals & MethodsThe authors capture success drivers in three general categories: socio-economic, institutional / policy / management and reforestation characteristics. Available with subscription or purchase |
Intensive Silvopastoral Systems: Improving Sustainability and Efficiency in Cattle Ranching LandscapesBackgroundThe article summarizes productivity benefits from implementation of intensive silvo-pastoral systems (ISPS) in Colombia, Mexico and Brazil, including benefits for the well-being of cattle, heightened biodiversity, and decreased area needed for production (allowing for greater quantities of forest area). The authors also summarize challenges inhibting greater adoption of intensive silvo-pastoral systems, and potential policy solutions for overcoming these challenges. Open access copy available |
Lowering Emissions in Asia's Forests (LEAF)BackgroundThe Lowering Emmissions in Asia's Forests (LEAF) program was USAID regiona initiative that ran for five years, from 2011 to 2016. This final report summarizes the challenges the LEAF program faced and the results it achieved. Open access copy available |
Nature Conservation Foundation, GEF: Southern Western Ghats, IndiaBackgroundThis project, funded by the GEF small grants program, utilized restoration and conservation efforts in order to improve the degraded rainforests of western Ghats, India. The project occurred over a four-year span from 2004 to 2008. Open access copy available |
Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo ProjectBackgroundSince the 1970s, the Sao Paulo region of Brazil has experienced extensive expansion of the agro-industry, reducing native vegetation coverage, increasing strain on natural resources, and contributing to land degredation. The Ecosystem Restoration of Riparian Forests in Sao Paulo Project was created in 2005 and ran until 2011 to correct these trends. Open access copy available |
Cooperative Republic of Guyana National Forest Plan 2018BackgroundThe National Forest Plan 2018 was developed in conjunction with the Guyana National Forest Policy Statement with technical and stakeholder input. The Forest Plan describes the implementation steps for the Forest Policy, which will be carried out by the Guyana Forest Committee. Open access copy available |
Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Natural Resource ManagementBackgroundThe United Nations Environmental Programme and the Government of Sudan started the Adapt for Environment and Climate Resilience in Sudan project, otherwise known as ADAPT!, which seeks to engage a wide audience in order enhance environmental management, governance and climate resilience to help the people of Sudan cope with environmental stress and climate change. Open access copy available |
Assuming Women’s Representation in Carbon Forestry ProjectsBackgroundWomen have historically played a critical role around the world in forest-related decision making yet there has been a significant unequal representation of this stakeholder group when it comes to the recent explosion of carbon-trading interventions, such as payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, clean development mechanisms (CDM), and reduced emmissions and deforestation and forst degradation (REDD+). This unequal representation has been widely recognized and there is a fear that it is getting worse as forest governance changes. Open access copy available |
Forest conservation, afforestation, and reforestation in India: Implications for forest carbon stocksBackgroundConsidering India’s goal to have 1/3 of their land area forested by 2012, this article assesses the implications of past and current forest conservation and regeneration policies and carbon stock programs. Open access copy available |
Carbon Sequestration Potential of Indian Forestry Land Use SystemsbackgroundThe paper presents an overview of studies done on the carbon sequestration potential of varied forestry land use systems in India at regional, country, and site-specific levels. Open access copy available |