Social Aspects
Trees and regeneration in rubber agroforests and other forest-derived vegetation in Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia)backgroundRubber agroforests (RAF) in Sumatra, introduced in the early 1900s, represent a managed forest type that is an intermediate ecosystem between natural forest and agricultural land. While understory vegetation and some trees are allowed to remain in RAF, as agriculturally managed forests, they may differ from unmanaged forests. This study compares forest regeneration in RAF and secondary forests. Open access copy available |
Smallholder plantations in the tropics – local people between outgrower schemes and reforestation programmesBackgroundAs part of a book on plantation forestry, this chapter focuses on smallholders and plantation forestry. The authors combine studies from Asia, Africa, and South America with their own experience and data from Brazil. The authors outline the different systems of plantation forestry for smallholders including those initiated by commericial entities such as outgrower schemes. Governments and non-profits inititate programs for ecosystem services or income generation through agroforestry. They also emphasize that smallholders intitiate their own efforts of production forests, agroforestry systems, and homegardens. Open access copy available |
Successional Change and Resilience of a Very Dry Tropical Deciduous Forest Following Shifting AgricultureBackgroundGiven substaintial conversion of very dry tropical deciduous forests in Mexico to agricultural and other land uses, this study examines forest succession over time in such ecosystems. The study was conducted near Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico with 26°C average temperatures and 900 mm average rainfall. Available with subscription or purchase |
Sustainable Management of Mangrove Resources through a Participatory Approach - KenyabackgroundThis study reviews an ongoing mangrove restoration project in the Ghazi region of Kenya. The study seeks to improve the sustainable development and conservation of mangrove forests in order to enhance productivity of natural resources in ways that sustain continuous flow of desired forest products and services. All 10 mangroves found in the Indian Ocean region are found in Ghazi. The dominant mangroves in the Ghazi area are Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops tagal and Avicennia marina. Open access copy available |
Tanzania: Forest Restoration in the Shinyanga RegionBackgroundIn the Shinyanga Region of Tanzania, deforestation, bush clearing, and overgrazing have been persistent problems. The government of Tanzania recognized the traditional ngitili system of land management as a potential solution. Open access copy available |
Forest Landscape Restoration: Initiatives in EthiopiaBackgroundEthiopia has experienced significant forest loss and degradation, which has raised concern over the deterioration of ecosystem services and access to forest resources. In response to these trends, WWF and IUCN have pioneered the Forest for Life strategy, which employs a range of initiatives to combat forest degradation. This report focuses on one of those initiative, Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Ethiopia. Open access copy available |
Rehabilitation of Degraded Forests in Thailand: Policy and PracticebackgroundThis article provides an overview of efforts to rehabilitate degraded lands in Thailand. The authors synthesize articles and government policies to understand different plans of action for the government. Based on their analyses, they outline the challenges facing forest rehabilitation efforts and specific areas that need improvement. Open access copy available |
Lessons Learnt from WWF’s Worldwide Field Initiatives Aiming at Restoring Forest LandscapesbackgroundThis document provides a series of case studies about forest landscape restoration projects from across the WWF network. The authors provide overall lessons as well as country-specific lessons. The authors summarize lessons learned across programs for the different stages of restoration programs. Open access copy available |
Suitability of the Taungya System at North Kilimanjaro Forest Plantation, TanzaniabackgroundThis study analyses a taungya system in a north Kilimanjaro plantation forest in Tanzania. This study assesses the costs and revenues resulting from this system and the impacts to agriculture. Research Goals & MethodsField research was conducted to assess survival, food crop yield, financial feasability. Available with subscription or purchase |
Plan Vivo, Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Sahel Burkina FasoBackgroundThis project plans to restore and maintain the Sahelian woodland in northern Burkina Faso by working closely with communities of farmers whose livelihoods are dependent. Open access copy available |