Social Aspects

Local Impacts and Responses to Regional Forest Conservation and Rehabilitation Programs in China's Northwest Yunnan province


This article reviews large-scale government reforestation activities in Yunnan Province, China. Agricultural development in the past half century in the Salween and Mekong watersheds in northwest Yunnan has resulted in severe erosion. The government has recently banned logging and instituted large-scale reforestation programs at the same time. These reforestation projects use Pyrus pyrifolia, Pinus yunnanensis and Pinus armandii.

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Rehabilitación de areas degradadas en la Amazonia peruana: Revisión de experiencias y lecciones aprendidas (Rehabilitation of degraded areas in the Peruvian Amazon: Revision of experiences and lessons learned)



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Sesbania sesban improved fallows in eastern Zambia: Their inception, development and farmer enthusiasm


In eastern Zambia, nitrogen deficiency is a major limiting factor for increased food production. Soil fertility has been declining because of nearly continuous maize (Zea mays) cultivation with little or no nutrient inputs. The use of short-duration tree fallows was one of several agroforestry options hypothesized to restore soil fertility. This study reports on long-term trials with Sesbania sesban in field station and farm trials.

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Taungya in the Philippines


This book chapter provides a description of the ecological effects of deforestation in the Philippines and a history of the failed social forestry programs that began in the 1970s.

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One Century of Forest Rehabilitation in the Philippines: Approaches, Outcomes, and Lessons


This chapter provides a review of reforestation efforts in the Philippines, beginning with small-scale forest rehabilitation efforts since 1910. Reforestation was traditionally implemented by government and private companies. Since the mid-1970s, international funders have driven these efforts.

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Exploiting the Potential of Indigenous Agroforestry Trees: Parkia biglobosa and Vitellaria paradoxa in Sub-Saharan Africa


This article reviews the agroforestry potential of two native African savanna trees, Parkia biglobosa (locust bean) and Vitellaria paradoxa (shea).

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Effect of Vegetation Restoration on Soil and Water Erosion and Nutrient Losses of a Severely Eroded Clayey Plinthudult in Southeastern China


In this study, researchers compare erosion from reforested and degraded sites in subtropical southeastern China.

Goals & Methods

The objective of the study was to estimate the long-term influences of reforestation on soil and water erosion and nutrient losses in regions of southeast China that are characterized by severely eroded bare land derived from Quaternary red clay. The study examined surface runoff, soil erosion, and soil nutrient content.  

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Deforestation and Reforestation of Latin America and the Caribbean (2001–2010)


This study examines contrasting forest cover change dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean using MODIS satellite imagery. Many studies have documented deforestation, while others report forest recovery. This study seeks to analyze these trends on a large scale and connect them to environmental and population variables.

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The Forest Manual Containing the Forest Act (No. 1148): extracts from other laws of Philippine Commission relating to the Forest Service, and the forest regulations prepared in accordance with provisions of the Forest Act


This document contains the text of the Philppine Forest Act, which regulates the use of public forests and reserves. It includes descriptions of  historical regulations, licenses, taxes, harvest limits, violations, and prohibition of caiñgin (swidden plots). It also includes extracts of other relevant laws.

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Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)

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