Social Aspects

Reforesting the Sahel: Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration


This study describes the development of a simple income generating and self-promoting reforestation system called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) developed in Maradi, Niger. FMNR is an agroforestry system based on the natural regeneration and management of tree systems from underground stumps.

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Experiences of a research institute in forest restoration practices in Nigeria


This paper reports on the activities championed by the Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria within its mandates particularly in the area of forest conservation and management in six ecological zones of the country to recuperate the nations’ ecological integrity.

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Las políticas públicas en la restauración ambiental en México: limitantes, avances, rezagos y retos (Public policy in environmental restoration in Mexico: limitations, progress, problems and challenges facing)



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Especies forestales con diversidad de usos en un bosque tropical caducifolio de la comunidad indígena de Tomatlan, Jalisco, México (Forest species with diverse uses in a tropical deciduous forest of the indigenous community of Tomatlan, Jalisco, Mexico)



Este estudio identifica especies forestales del bosque tropical caducifolio en la Comunidad Indígena de Tomatlán, Municipio de Tomatlán, Jalisco, México, así como la diversidad de sus usos para ser integradas en sistemas agroforestales.

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Reforestation of the Abutia Plains by indigenous communities in the Volta Basin (Ghana) ex post evaluation


Deforestation an degradation in Ghana has been an on-going issue, with one-third of the country's forested area reporting lossed between 1955 to 1972. This has been due to increased human acitivities and the effects have been further aggravated by socio-economic issues. In 1994, the government of Ghana adapted a Forest & Wildlife Policy and established a program for reforestation that involved a variety of stakeholders.

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The Socio-Economic Effects of Ghana's Government Afforestation Project on Beneficiary Farmers in the Dormaa District of the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana


Forests play a central role in Ghana's global economy and local livelihoods, yet degradation and overharvesting continue to be an issue. In response, the Ghana government implemented an afforstation program in 2001 to restock forests and help alleviate poverty. 

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Involving Local Farmers in Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests: Some Lessons from Ghana


This study is an analysis of  a community-based tree planting project in Ghana using the taungya systems with indigenous trees. The project was sponsored by the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), the government of Ghana, and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The goal of the tree planting in the project was to improve forest rehabilitation as well as local livelihoods.

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Notas sobre el diseño de plantaciones de restauración (Notes about the design of plantains for restoration)



La restauración forestal es compleja, tanto en teoría como en práctica. La incógnita de los ecosistemas de referencia es una que muchos investigadores y profesionales se han planteado y pocos han podido descifrar. ¿Deberíamos restaurar los bosques a una condición prístina? ¿Qué deberíamos utilizar como sistema de referencia? Esto, entre otras consideraciones, se explora en las observaciones del autor sobre el proceso de diseño de las plantaciones de restauración.

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Modelos espaciales aplicados al manejo de los recursos naturales: una propuesta en la sub-cuenca del Río Pilón, Nuevo León, México (Spacial modeling applied to natural resources management)

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El manejo de la caoba en Quintana Roo, México. Legislación, responsabilidades y apoyo gubernamental (Mahogany management in Quintana Roo. Mexico)



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