Traditional Knowledge

Adaptación de los bosques tropicales al cambio climático: una oportunidad para la investigación interdisciplinaria (Adaptation of tropical forests to climate change: an opportunity for interdisciplinary research)




Este estudio resume conceptos relacionados a la adaptación de bosques tropicales al cambio climático. Además, examina como el manejo forestal sustentable puede contribuir para este fin, y el rol de la investigación para generar información nueva.

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Bwa Yo: Important Trees of Haiti


This book, published in 1996, presents important tree species in Haiti as part of a USAID effort to address environmental degradation in Haiti. The trees presented are mainly those in the agricultural landscape, providing food or fuel, although trees with cultural or ecological importance are also presented.

Each tree profile provides information and photos including discussions of the species and common names, importance, taxonomy and botanical features, distribution and ecology, tree characteristics, utilization, propagation, and other findings (biomass studies, growth performance, tree improvement, seed research, and/or planting stock quality).

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Vilcanota Valley Rehabilitation and Management Project

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Applying Indigenous Knowledge to the Restoration of Degraded Tropical Rain Forest Clearings Dominated by Bracken Fern


The indigenous Lacandon Maya people of southern Mexico use a rotational agriculture system known in Spanish as the milpa for production of maize and other crops. This system rotates production to different plots, allowing the forest and soil to recover in the fallow years between production periods. In some cases, the Lacandon people actively manage forest recovery, sowing Balsa trees to prevent plots from being taken over by the invasive Bracken fern.

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Natural History, Seed Predation, and Germination of Prosopis juliflora Relative to a Reforestation Project in Southwestern Ecuador


This article provides information on the natural history of Prosopis juliflora in Ecuador and describes the efforts to use this native species in reforestation of tropical dry forest in the Proyecto Eduardo Aspiazu Estrata project.

Research Goals & Methods

Over 200 sacks of pods (around 15-20 kg) of seeds were collected in March-May 1994 and examined at the seed bank.

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A Unified Framework for the Restoration of Southeast Asian Mangroves: Bridging Ecology, Society and Economics


Tropical mangroves are some of the most dynamic and productive tropical ecosystems, but also most threatened. Mangrove restoration efforts are underway to restore the structure, function, and ecosystem services of mangroves, but often these projects fail.

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Beyond Basic Needs: Participation and Village Reforestation in Thailand


At present, many federally-sponsored community reforestation projects engage  communities by hiring local labor to establish plantations with fast-growing tree species. This method ignores the importance of local knowledge and local-level accountability that improves the chances of a project's survival.

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The Lembo System: A Model for Agroforestry in Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of East Kalimantan


This article describes the Lembo system of agroforestry, a traditional practice by the Dayak people in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Lembo gardens, around 127 species of woody plants are cultivated, and up to 40 different species can be found per 0.25 ha 90% of which are trees. In those gardens, there is also a large diversity of wild, uncultivated plants.

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