Native Species
Adaptation of five co-occurring tree and shrub species to water stress and its implication in restoration of degraded landsBACKGROUNDAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in ZimbabweBACKGROUNDPrunus Africana is widely recognized for its medicinal purposes resulting in high unsustainable use and selling in the international market. Its bark contains many healing properties. Overexploitation has led to its listing in CITES list of endangered species. A remnant population is still available at the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe however, the area is prone to land use changes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Árboles Nativos para Predios GanaderosEspañolAntecedentesComo parte del Proyecto Ganadería Colombiana Sostenible, cerca de 1.5 millones de árboles nativos de alto valor ecológico fueron entregados a ganaderos de cinco regiones colombianas para integrar en sus fincas y sistemas pastoriles. Quince de esas especies de árbol nativo fueron seleccionadas para discutir en detalle en este libro, permitiendo así la divulgación del conocimiento sobre la importancia de los árboles nativos en la ganadería sostenible. Open access copy available |
Beyond the species pool: modification of species dispersal, establishment, and assembly by habitat restorationIntroductionThis article asserts that understanding the forces that shape species composition in plant communities, including seed dispersal, establishment, and assembly, is critical to restoration. Serving as an introduction to a special issue on seed dispersal and soil seed banks, the article reviews five major themes in relation to the process of species composition of plants. Open access copy available |
Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree speciesIntroductionWith the rising interest on rehabilitation and restoration of forest landscapes to tackle climate change, there has been a renewed focus on the use of native species. Yet, the authors point out there is a lack of attention paid to genetic diversity among these trees along with their interactions, thus resulting in a failure to adequately assess the success of tree plantings. Open access copy available |
Módulo 3: Selección de especies potenciales para la restauraciónEspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Participatory research for restoration and agro-ecological productionBackgroundThis chapter describes the process and outcomes of a 25-year participatory research project that was carried out in partnership between CIPAV and farmers of a local community in El Dovio, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The project was guided by integrated land management and the need to combine biodiversity conservation, ecological restoration, and sustainable use of natural resources. Open access copy available |
Mainstreaming Native Species-Based Forest RestorationBackgroundThis publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2010 conference held in the Phillipines titled "Mainstreaming Native Species-Based Forest Restoration", which aimed to provide technical expertise and experience with restoration and reforestation practices for tropical forests in order to address the country's forest cover decline. The report summarizes the events of the two days, including two opening remarks, six presentations, and five panels. Open access copy available |
Experiences with capacity building for ecological restoration in Latin AmericaBackgroundLandscape scale restoration initiatives are experiencing an increasing popularity, specifically in Latin America. Yet, these initiatives not only require an ecological understanding but also a holistic focus on the socio-economic. To do so, it is critical to promote capacity building in conjunction with these initiatives. Capacity building both improves the technical skills of stakeholders while also increasing the institutional capacity and leadership of all parties. This paper highlights six organizations who are successfully strengthening capacity for ecological restoration in Latin America. Open access copy available |
Screening of native plant species for phytoremediation potential at a Hg-contaminated mining siteBackgroundThis study was conducted in one of the most important Artisanal and small-scale (ASGM) gold-mining sites in Colombia, to identify native plant species growing in Mercury contaminated soils used for agricultural purposes, and to assess their potential as phytoremediation systems. Available with subscription or purchase |