Native Species
Restoring Working Forests in Human-Dominated Landscapes of the Wet Evergreen Forest Region of South AsiaBackgroundOpen access copy available |
The tree planting and protecting culture of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists in rural Panama: Opportunities for reforestation and land restorationBackgroundDeforestation rates are high in mesoamerican, particularly within dry forests, thus threatening the regions biodiversity and livelihoods of local peoples. To address these trends, there has been a push to support and promote farming strategies that are compatible with conservation goals, particularly those that pursue a range of activities. This study focuses in Panama where these strategies are expanding and examines the tree planting and land protecting activities of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists. Available with subscription or purchase |
Hiniduma Biolink Project, Sri Lanka - Reforesting traditional home gardens using the analog forestry concept in wet zones of Sri LankaBackgroundThe Hinidum Biolink Project is a cooperative effort between the Conservation Carbon Company and Rainforest Rescue International that aims to build a biodiversity corridor between two remnant forests in Sri Lanka. The document is a plan for this Plan Vivo project, developed in June 2011. Open access copy available |
Árboles Nativos y Ciudad: Aportes a la Silvicultura urbana de Medellín (Native Trees and the City: Lessons from urban silviculture in Medellin)EspañolantecedentesA pesar de la atención que la silvicultura urbana ha recibido a nivel conceptual en la ciudad de Medellín, se presentan vacíos en la ejecució de acciones concretas a nivel Municipal. La implementación del Programa de Silvicultura Urbana en la ciudad de Medellín logra resultados hacia la mejora del paisaje urbano a cuatro años de haberse iniciado. objetivos y metodologíaEsta publicación presenta las acciones de planificación, investigación y aplicación de estrategias de propagación y manejo de especies en el contexto urbano de la ciudad de Medellín. Open access copy available |
Comportamiento de las especies y preferencias de los productores. Plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica y Nicaragua (Species behavior and farmers' preferences. Forest plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua)EspañolantecedentesLos autores estudiaron plantaciones comerciales en 112 fincas de productores forestales, en el Cantón de Sarapiquí, Costa Rica y el Departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua. objetivos y metodologíaEl trabajo realiza un inventario de las plantaciones forestales en todas las fincas estudiadas. Las variables evaluadas incluyen: supervivencia, dap, altura total, forma y sanidad de los árboles. Open access copy available |
Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest LandscapesBackgroundDeforestation and the declining extent of tropical forests has negatively impacted ecosystem functions, services, and goods and has disproportionately harmed the rural poor of tropical countries. In the wake of deforestation, agricultural development and traditional methods of reforestation (plantations) have largely failed to provide sustainable livelihoods. This review article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of different tropical restoration methods to combat forest degredation and address rural poverty. Open access copy available |
The Potential for Species Conservation in Tropical Secondary ForestsBackgroundThe importance of tropical secondary forests for conserving biodiversity increases with the degradation of old-growth forests, yet little is known about the role that these forests play in promoting biodiversity. Geospatial and temporal factors influence the role of secondary forests in species conservation, and this synthesis of case studies evaluates the significance of these factors on regional and landscape scales. Open access copy available |
Secondary Forest Regeneration under Fast-Growing Forest Plantations on Degraded Imperata cylindrica GrasslandsBackgroundThis study compares the regeneration of native tree species under the canopy of tree plantations, riverine areas, and uncultivated grassland areas in the Riam Kiwa plantation area of South Kalimantan, Indonesia. This area has a distinct dry season and deeply weathered, acidic soils, and is considered good for forest plantations. Available with subscription or purchase |
Screening Trial of 14 Tropical Hardwoods with an Emphasis on Species Native to Costa Rica: Fourth Year ResultsBackgroundA lack of silvicultural information on native timber species in the tropics has contributed to the propogation of fast-growing exotic tree species in reforestation efforts. The plantations evaluated at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica were considered marginal lands with low input of forest maintenance, reflecting the conditions of many lands that farmers would use for reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Habitat Distribution of Dipterocarp Species in the Leyte Cordillera: An Indicator for Species – Site Suitability in Local Reforestation ProgramsBackgroundThis article presents the results of a vegetation study in primary forest areas of the Leyte Cordillera in the Philippines, sampling populations of 18 species of Dipterocarp across topographic habitats and elevation classes. As a young volcanic cordillera, this tropical region is dominated by rugged topography, with slopes as steep as 30 to 60 degrees. Open access copy available |