Seeds, Nurseries and Planting
Towards an Ecology-Based Strategy for the Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica Grasslands in East KalimantanbackgroundThis chapter assesses an ecology-based strategy to accelerate the reforestation of grassland towards a dipterocarp-dominated plantation with natural regeneration occuring. Open access copy available |
Domesticación de recursos naturales nativos en condiciones agroecológicas en el trópico húmedo en el Caribe de Costa Rica (Domestication of native resources in agro-ecological conditions in the humid tropics in Costa Rica)EspañolAntecedentesBougainvillea S. A. es una iniciativa privada que implementa acciones de domesticación e investigación de plantas medicinales y aromáticas nativas en colaboración con organizaciones académicas y de investigación de Costa Rica y Estados Unidos. Open access copy available |
Especies forestales nativas con potencial para reforestación en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú (Native forest species with reforestation value in Oxapampa, Peru)EspañolAntecedentesLa organización Pronaturaleza, con el apoyo de The Nature Conservancy (TNC), se encuentra formulando un proyecto de secuestro de carbono con la finalidad de ejecutar Programas de Reforestación y Conservación de Bosques en la zona de amortiguamiento de tres áreas Naturales protegidas en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú. Open access copy available |
Restauração de paisagens e desenvolvimento socioambiental em assentamentos rurais do Pontal de Paranapanema (Landscape restoration and socioenvironmental development in rural settlements in Pontal de Paranapanema)Open access copy available |
Una innovación tecnológica para la siembra de árboles en las sabanas inundables de la orinoquia: montículos o silvotermiteros (A technological innovation to plant trees in flooded savannas in Orinoco basin)Open access copy available |
Impacto humano afeta negativamente a dispersão de sementes de frutos ornitocóricos: uma perspectiva global (Human impact affects negatively the seed dispersal in ornithochorous fruits: a global perspective)This literature-based analysis used data from a number of existing studies of seed dispersal by birds to compare the effects of plant characteristics and human impact on bird choice and seed dispersal. The study found that plant morphological characteristics did not effect on the frequency of bird visits or fruit consumption. However, the human impact on each site did have a significant effect. Areas with high human pressure had more than 3 times fewer visits and fruit consumed by birds. These data may be important for restoration efforts in gauging the intensity of seed rain for tree species dispersed by birds. Open access copy available |
Pacto pela restauração da mata atlântica: referencial dos conceitos e ações de restauração florestal (Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest: Reference for Concepts and Action of Forest Restoration)An overview of theory, rationale, and techniques for restoration and reforestation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The chapters covered the following subjects: An explanation of the evolution of restoration techniques and methodologies as the practice of restoration has become more sophisticated; Environmental diagnostics of areas to be restored; Monitoring of areas as a tool to evaluate effectiveness of methodologies; Quantification and monitoring of biomass and carbon in planted areas; Restoration methods for economic benefits; and Description of operational actions for restoration.
Open access copy available |
Pinus maximinoi H. E. Moore: una especie prometedora para plantaciones forestales comerciales en el trópico (Pinus Maximinoi H. E. Moore: a promising species for comercial plantations in the tropics)Open access copy available |
Technical and Financial Analysis of Enrichment Planting in Logging Gaps as a Potential Component of Forest Management in the Eastern AmazonbackgroundThis study investigates the potential for managing timber tree species regeneration in disturbed areas within logged forests in the eastern Amazon through the experimental introduction of seeds and seedlings. Available with subscription or purchase |
Domesticación de cedro y caoba en la Península de Yucatán, México: Experiencias en el mejoramiento del germoplasma forestal (Domestication of cedar and mahogany in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: Experiences in improving forest germplasm)EspañolAntecedentesExiste un déficit en la oferta de madera de caoba que pudiera ser parcialmente remediado a través del control del barrenador de brotes. Open access copy available |