Seeds, Nurseries and Planting

Impacts of Herbicide Application and Mechanical Cleanings on Growth and Mortality of Two Timber Species in Saccharum spontaneum Grasslands of the Panama Canal Watershed


This study evaluates the effectiveness of weed control treatments (herbicide application and mechanical cleanings) in promoting the growth and survival of the exotic tree species Tectona grandis and the native tree species Terminalia amazonia.

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Between and Within-Site Comparisons of Structural and Physiological Characteristics and Foliar Nutrient Content of 14 Tree Species at a Wet, Fertile Site and a Dry, Infertile Site in Panama


This study seeks to analyze how stress resulting from different amounts of precipitation and soil nutrients affects tree growth. The study hypothesized that tree structure and physiology as well as foliar nutrient content would be significantly different between the sites, and trees at the wet, fertile sites would perform better. Secondly, the study hypothesized finding a greater variability of integrated tree growth at the drier site, as plant stress is expected to accentuate differences in performance. Lastly, it was hypothesized that leaf mass area and foliar N would predict photosynthetic capacity.

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Survival and Growth of Under-Planted Trees: A Meta-Analysis Across four Biomes


This article is a meta-analysis synthesizing the results of survival and growth of under-planted trees in forests in tropical, temperate coastal, boreal, and temperate deciduous forests. Additionally, the survival and growth of these underplanted trees are evaluated according to the silvicultural treatment affecting density of the overstory: uncut, dense shelterwood, intermediate density shelterwood, light density shelterwood, clear cut.

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Carbon Forestry Project CO2OL Tropical Mix


Degraded land, originally forest land, later used for extensive cattle ranching, is reforested with mostly native tree species and gradually converted into mixed forests. The project provides for sustainable timber production and cocoa cultivation; protects biodiversity and restores a healthy forest ecosystem. The  project reforests previously degraded pastureland with a mixture of native tree species to produce fine tropical timber, enrich the soil, save and filter water, sequester carbon, and contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

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Seedling Production Methods of Dipterocarps


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Experience with Planting Dipterocarps in Peninsular Malaysia


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On the Restoration of High Diversity Forests: 30 years of Experience in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest


This review evaluates the restoration of Brazil's Atlantic forest by drawing from published and unpublished sources. Reforestation in Atlantic Brazil took place in phases: government-sponsored plantations predominated until 1982; a focus on native species plantations from 1982-1985; higher diversity of species used from 1985 to 2000; a focus on restoring process rather than copying the structure of natural forests from 2000-2003; and finally a conscious effort to improve intraspecific genetic diversity and seed acquisition from 2003 to today.

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Regeneration of Native Plant Species in Restored Forests on Degraded Lands in Singapore


This article presents the natural regeneration of woody species in the understory of 1 year-old and 4-year old plantation in Singapore.

Research Goals & Methods

Although the the site was cleared, except for remnant trees,before planting, the rootmatt of the fern Dicranopteris was left in the plots. One plot within each site had the rootmat manually removed. Regeneration of species greater than 10 cm in length were counted and identified.

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Responses of 20 Native Tree Species to Reforestation Strategies for Abandoned Farmland in Panama


In the tropics, deforestation often leads to unproductive agriculture and results in degraded grasslands. This study seeks to understand why forests fail to regenerate naturally in these ecosystems. 

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