Social Aspects
Farmer Participation in Reforestation Incentive Programs in Costa RicabackgroundThis article evaluates the participation of farm households in reforestation incentive programs in Costa Rica from 1988 to 1995. The Forestry Bond Certificate in Advance (CAFa) was started in 1988 as a grant of 100,000 colones per hectare (it increased to 120,000 colones per hectare) for reforestation to be disbursed over 5 years of plantation establishment. The Forestry Development Fund (FDF) was initiated in 1989 and offers 58,000 colones per hectare over 3 years for reforestation. Open access copy available |
Decentralized Payments for Environmental Services: The cases of Pimampiro and PROFAFOR in EcuadorbackgroundThis article describes two payment for environmental services (PES) programs in Ecuador which, unlike programs run in other countries, are run by decentralized organizations: Pimampiro municipal watershed-protection scheme and PROFAFOR carbon-sequestration programme. Research Goals & MethodsThe authors conduct interviews, community workshops, and collect socioeconomic data to evaluate the programs for additionality (adding to conservation), welfare or poverty alleviation, and the control of leakage. Available with subscription or purchase |
Paying for Environmental Services: An Analysis of Participation in Costa Rica's PSA ProgrambackgroundThis study evaluates demographic and other factors that played a role in the participation of households in Costa Rica's Payment for Environmental Services program. Research Goals & MethodsThe authors rely on economic analysis of technology adoption and farm and forestry program participation to assign variables and draw conclusions. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Unified Framework for the Restoration of Southeast Asian Mangroves: Bridging Ecology, Society and EconomicsbackgroundTropical mangroves are some of the most dynamic and productive tropical ecosystems, but also most threatened. Mangrove restoration efforts are underway to restore the structure, function, and ecosystem services of mangroves, but often these projects fail. Open access copy available |
ASRI Restore -Marsellas siteBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
Local Mangrove Planting in the Philippines: Are Fisherfolk and Fishpond Owners Effective Restorationists?backgroundThis paper evaluates ecological characteristics of mangrove plantations planted by local communities in the Philippines and compares them to natural mangrove forests nearby. Available with subscription or purchase |
Institutional Dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services: An Analysis of Mexico's carbon Forestry ProgrammebackgroundIn recent years, Mexico has established a payment for environmental service (PES) program where governments pay rural communities and farmers for environmental service provisions: water quality, carbon fixation, biodiversity, etc. These PES programs have been more effective when designed by both providers and users collaboratively. In 2004, the Mexican government developed the program Payments for Carbon, Biodiversity and Agro-forestry Services (PSA-CABSA). Available with subscription or purchase |
Sustainable Harvest International Reforestation: Annual Report FY2008BackgroundThe mission of Sustainable Harvest International's reforestation work is to empower local farmers by giving them the knowledge and equipment to improve degraded lands, rebuild diversity in the forest ecosystems, and benefit from the planting of trees. Open access copy available |
Poverty reduction in the Doi Mae Salong LandscapeBackgroundThe Doi Mae Salong Landscape has experienced deragadation in ecosystem services due to a variety of reasons along with the significant poverty and high risk to climatic variations. The IUCN partnered with the Supreme Commander’s Office of the Royal Thai Armed Forces to pursue forest restoration and support local livelihoods. The program ran from 2010 to 2013 in the Chiang Rai Province of Thailand. Open access copy available |
Genesis Forest ProjectBackgroundThis is a project design document that describes the plan for a reforestation project in Brazilian Cerrado in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Open access copy available |